West Scioto Area Commission Meeting Decorum
Thank you for attending the West Scioto Area Commission meeting this evening. Please note that we
do have meeting decorum policies in place that all commissioners, presenters and members of the
public are expected to follow. The rules of order are meant to create an atmosphere where the members
of the commission and the members of the public can attend to business efficiently, fairly and with full
participation. At the same time, it is up to the Chair and the members of the body to maintain common
courtesy and decorum. We intend to maintain a professional environment where all commissioners and
guests are respectful to one another. It is our hope that we can disagree on issues without being
disrespectful. Personal attacks of any kind will not be tolerated. Any person who makes such remarks,
or who uses loud, threatening, personal or abusive language, or engages in any other disorderly conduct
which disrupts, disturbs or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of any commission meeting shall, at
the discretion of the Chair or a majority of the commission, be prohibited from further participation
before the commission during that meeting.
General Meeting Protocols:
• Please see the agenda as this will spell out the order of business for this meeting.
• Every speaker is to be first recognized by the Chair before proceeding to speak.
• Only one person at a time may have the floor.
• The Chair will ensure that debate and discussion of an agenda item focuses on the item and
issue in question.
• The Chair has the right to cut off discussion that is too loud, disrespectful or involves a personal
• Debate and discussion should be focused, but free and open. In the interest of time, the Chair
may, however, limit the time allotted to speakers, including members of the commission.
• There will be time allotted on the agenda for public comments unrelated to agenda items at the
end of the meeting. Please limit questions and comments to a maximum of three minutes.
• Thank you for your support, attendance and participation in the West Scioto Area Commission
meeting and for observing our meeting rules.